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Showing posts from December, 2019

Finland, the best education system in the world

I have been constatntly asked to share the best education system in the world where study is not a work. Its part of life. Kids are learning because they love to. The revolution started in 90s to give education at stressfree environment. While reading this keep in your mind about our old ancient Gurukul Indian system eher kids were sent to various ashram to study. Where they were getting the same education and opportunity to learn. As we say “First Impression is last Impression” its true for the kids. When they enter the school they make impression about the school and for the entire life they take it as same. If they feel insecured and abandoned they will remain the same. Many school systems are so concerned with increasing test scores and comprehension in math and science, they tend to forget what constitutes a happy, harmonious and healthy student and learning environment. Many years ago, the Finnish school system was in need of some serious reforms. The program...