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Showing posts from November, 2018

Homework - The extra Burden to kids and root for Stress

There is always a debate for Homework whether it should be abolished or retained. Many of us has different opinion in this regard. Like Ramakrishna Param Hans Said it rightly. Jata mat Tat path. ” The more opinion the more ways”   I also quote the proverb “ Practice makes a man Perfect” Mind it its man not a child. The moto of education is to make a child a citizen, a Human Being not Perfect. Thanks to Ministry of HRD who really heard the cry of these innocent minds. After long-drawn school hours, kids return home and immediately get down to tackling the day’s homework. Where is the time to relax and do other extra-curricular activities?Does homework need to be rethought so that it is less of a burden and engages the child more effectively? School-related stomachaches, headaches, sleep problems and depression are on the rise. Parents too have a hard time, often doing a major part of the homework to help out the child. Kids are all supposed to be having the physical activ...

How To Change Your Child's Behavior -- Without Punishment

How will my child learn how to behave without punishment?  “Where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, first we have to make them feel worse? Think of the last time you felt humiliated or treated unfairly. Did you feel like cooperating or doing better?”   – Amitabh Bachchan Parents are often surprised to hear that most of what we think of as discipline -- spankings, consequences, even timeouts -- doesn't help kids become responsible, self-disciplined people. After all, parents punish so kids will learn to behave, right? But children learn what they live. The most effective way to teach kids is our modeling, and to treat them the way we want them to treat others: with compassion and understanding. When we spank, punish, or yell, kids learn to act aggressively. Even timeouts – symbolic abandonment -- give children the message that they’re alone with their big scary feelings just when they need us most. Instead, I'm a big fan...

Raise your kids- In Positive Ways

“Children are not born simply good or bad and we should never give up on them. They need adults who will help them become caring, respectful, and responsible for their communities at every stage of their childhood” I met many children and Parents and tried to learn about their upbringing and Parenting ideas and I found About 80 percent of the kids said their parents were more concerned with their achievement or happiness than whether they cared for others. They   were also more likely to agree that “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes than if I’m a caring friends in class and school.” Lets see and learn about how to raise children to become caring, respectful and responsible adults. Why is this important? Because if we want our children to be moral people, we have to, well, raise them that way. There are few strategies to raise moral, caring children, according to Making Caring Common: 1.      Make caring for others a pri...